
Virtual Members Only Mastermind


IBDP Virtual Members Only Mastermind

Free and for members only. Please log in to register.

March 3rd, 2023

Meeting details will be sent via email confirmation after registration.

IBDP members, you are invited to join us virtually for an hour-long masterminding session, where we will workshop and discuss issues you are currently facing in your day-to-day work. Together we will pursue customs solutions for your immediate challenges while making new connections and building an empowered Business Development Community.

This is a casual conversation. Have your lunch, relax, and mastermind with your BD peers.

The event takes place on March 3rd at 12:30 pm. The seats are limited. Zoom link to follow registration.

SKU: MembersVirtualMM-23 Categories: ,
This product can only be purchased by members. To purchase this product, sign up by purchasing BDPros Membership (New York Chapter).
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